

BIOEASTsUP – Advancing Sustainable Circular Bioeconomy in Central and Eastern Europe (H2020) (2019-2023). The project aims to support the BIOEAST: а political initiative started by the Visegrad Group Countries: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and joined by Bulgaria, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Republic of Estonia, Romania, Slovenia. The initiative offers a common political commitment and shared strategic research and innovation framework for working towards sustainable bioeconomies in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. Role of Quadro Synergy: BIOEASTsUP Technical and Financial coordination.


Bioecon (H2020) (2015-2020) – The general objective of the BioEcon project is to unlock the Polish research potential for the development of bioeconomy, supporting the region through the transfer of knowledge and the involvement of economic entities in the strategic development of the region, Increasing the excellence of research in the field of bioeconomy and system analysis, Concentration of resources and increasing participation in international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral research and development projects. Role of the Quadro Synergy: close collaboration with the coordinating institution for the work plan development and implementation.


MultiHome – Stakeholder Cooperation Service Hub and Platform for Accelerated Home Renovation in Plovdiv Region (Life) (2023-2026)  – The MultiHome project establishes self-sufficient one-stop-shop integrated home renovation model encompassing strong technical expertise and multi-level cooperation with the renovation market stakeholders to accelerate the implementation of the Renovation Wave and its supporting policies in Plovdiv Region, Bulgaria. Role of the Quadro Synergy: a partner leading Communication and dissemination, Business modelling and financial engineering, EU wide experience sharing webinars.
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